Getting Started

Contact Our Office: The first step is to contact the office and to speak with one of our wonderful team members. They will ask you a few simple questions and will schedule you for your initial consultation. 

Initial Consultation: At this visit, Dr. Wong will complete a preliminary review of your medical and dental history and perform an exam.  Dr. Wong will diagnose your orthodontic problem and will determine a preliminary orthodontic treatment option for you.  If necessary, Dr. Wong will recommend initial photographs, orthodontic x-rays, and impressions of the teeth to be taken.

Final Consultation: At this appointment, Dr. Wong will present information gathered from your initial consultation along with a computerized analysis, using the latest imaging technology, to determine a finalized treatment plan. Also at this time, our office will present payment options and help with any questions regarding insurance coverage for braces or specified treatment.

First Appointment: The first appointment will usually take a little longer than subsequent appointments due to the placement of the brackets. Dr. Wong and our staff will recommend the best time for your next appointment.